A double album with recordings of Leonora Armellini – 5th Prize winner at the most recent Chopin Competition – is the newest publication in the so-called Blue Series, showcasing the most interesting personalities in the subsequent editions of the Competition. The Italian pianist performed, among other pieces, the Scherzo in E major, Op. 54, the Ballade in F minor, Op. 52, the Polonaise in A flat major, Op. 53, the Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat major, Op. 61, Mazurkas, Op. 41, the Sonata in B minor, Op. 35, and the Piano concerto in E minor, Op. 11 (with the Warsaw Philharmonic Symphonic Orchestra under the baton of Andrzej Boreyko).
Fryderyk Chopin [1810–1849]
Scherzo in E major, Op. 54
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52
Polonaise in A flat major, Op. 53
Polonaise-Fantaisie in A flat major, Op. 61
Mazurkas, Op. 41
Sonata in B minor, Op. 35
Piano concerto in E minor, Op. 11
Leonora Armellini, piano
NIFCCD 655-656
© 2023 Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina